
I’ve been living 15 years of my life aimlessly until I met my friends who always motivated me :D My birthday is on the 07th of March, and it’s not necessary to give me present. (well, who knows? I may be lying, haha) I love Edward Cullen as my motivated to go to Washington. You probably don’t know that I love to sing, but now you know. Besides that, I love to design, I love to eat, I love to draw, I love to dance and I love photography! Okay, too many 'I love's Hehehe. :) Well the most that I love is Cobra Starship
contact me : Twitter

your voice was all i heard

Cobras's party
Fangs up, Fangster!


time machine
walk down memory lane

Juni 2009 Juli 2009 Agustus 2009 September 2009 Oktober 2009 November 2009 Desember 2009 Maret 2010


Cobras baby! Eclipse O.o OSIS :] Alex Suarez, baby! xP Thanks all :) I'm bored My stories in December :) Punch Love Drunk MD CUP Penyesalan datangnya selalu di akhir

upper east siders
who are they

Aldrina - Janice - Asti - Kak Nathalia - Nikki - Andrea - J Nad - Aretha - Jemasyafa - Nadja - Rika - Reza Annita - JA - Helga - Tessa - Ajeng - Athalia

What time is it
time is money

Bum Bum! :P
Selasa, 22 September 2009 @ 23.31

Love this picture :] .. Ballroom :]] hahahhaahha!
I went to Bandung.. I will post it later... Not in the mood :P
Senin, 21 September 2009 @ 09.52

I hate COPY CATS! = ="
And this "COPY CAT" is my own friend!
Guess who?!

@ 05.31

Happy birthday for my lovely bro *vomit* Hahahah! jk..
Sept 21, he's turning 20 :P <-- OLD! OLD! :]] Well, no party in house :P just with his friends = =" (i want to be his friend now) hahahaha.. Done and done about my brother.. :P --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I will go to Bandung tomorrow.. So, won't online at PC T.T And my mom won't let me sleep late tonight, cuz i must wake up at 04.30am tomorrow.. Duh! ya know, it's hard for me.. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I am hungry :]] hahahahah! I already ate ikan bakar, for 3 times.. But, i don't know what happen with my stomach :P And yea, all of my family still say "Jes? are you on diet? you're so thin" For many times i told them "NO! i never diet" :P but, they still thinking like that.. huffhh. Okay guys! I will eat more :P

UPDATE SONG.. UPDATE SONG! i got it from Bagus :]

"Popular" - The Veronicas

Pop, pop! Pop, pop!

I hate to say it but they play this damn song in every club
But it's me so I'll show love
But it's me so show me love

When I walk into the room people stop and stare
It's like nobody else is there
You know it's me not you
Who said anything about you

Boys and girls pretend to know me, they try so hard
And I get what I want, my name is my credit card
Don't try to hate me because I am so popular..

Pop, pop, popular! Pop, pop, popular!

Most guys I dated got intimidated
So now I date up
If you know what it means so they shut up
If you know what it means so just shut up

'Cause I don't wanna give half away
On the date we don't make up
If you know what I mean when we wake up
If you know what I mean when we break up

Boys and girls pretend to know me, they try so hard
And I get what I want, my name is my credit card
Don't try to hate me because I am so popular..

Pop, pop, popular!

You always wanna be around me
So you know what it's like
When the world is at your feet
And you're VIP tonight
You've either you got it or you don't
And I'm sorry you won't
Get there by using me
Just go & do your own thing

Boys and girls pretend to know me, they try so hard
And I get what I want, my name is my credit card
Don't try to hate me because I am so popular

Pop, pop, popular!

Boys and girls pretend to know me, they try so hard
And I get what I want, my name is my credit card
Don't try to hate me because I am so popular

Pop, pop, popular! Pop, pop, popular!
Pop, pop, popular! Pop, pop, popular!

Pop, pop, popular!

My fav song :]
@ 00.26


I’m Miss American Dream since I was 17

Don’t matter if I step on the scene
Or sneak away to the Philippines
They still gon' put pictures of my derrière in the magazine
You want a piece of me?
You want a piece of me...

I’m Miss bad media karma
Another day another drama
Guess I can’t see the harm
In working and being a mama
And with a kid on my arm
I’m still an exceptional earner
And you want a piece of me

I’m Mrs. Lifestyles of the rich and famous
(You want a piece of me)
I’m Mrs. Oh my God that Britney’s Shameless
(You want a piece of me)
I’m Mrs. Extra! Extra! this just in
(You want a piece of me)
I’m Mrs. she’s too big now she’s too thin
(You want a piece of me)

I’m Mrs. ‘You want a piece of me?’
Tryin’ and pissin’ me off
Well get in line with the paparazzi
Who’s flippin’ me off
Hopin’ I’ll resort to some havoc
End up settlin’ in court
Now are you sure you want a piece of me?
(You want a piece of me)

I’m Mrs. ‘Most likely to get on the TV for slippin' on the streets’
When getting the groceries, now for real..
Are you kidding me?
No wonder there's panic in the industry
I mean please, do you want a piece of me?

I’m Mrs. Lifestyles of the rich and famous
(You want a piece of me)
I’m Mrs. Oh my God that Britney’s Shameless
(You want a piece of me)
I’m Mrs. Extra! Extra! this just in
(You want a piece of me)
I’m Mrs. she’s too big now she’s too thin
(You want a piece of me)

I’m Miss American Dream since I was 17
Don’t matter if I step on the scene
Or sneak away to the Philippines
They still gon' put pictures of my derrière in the magazine
You want a piece of me?
You want a piece, piece of me...

You want a piece of me?

I’m Mrs. Lifestyles of the rich and famous
(You want a piece of me)
I’m Mrs. Oh my God that Britney’s Shameless
(You want a piece of me)
I’m Mrs. Extra! Extra! this just in
(You want a piece of me)
I’m Mrs. she’s too big now she’s too thin
(You want a piece of me)

I’m Mrs. Lifestyles of the rich and famous
(You want a piece of me)
I’m Mrs. Oh my God that Britney’s Shameless
(You want a piece of me)
I’m Mrs. Extra! Extra! this just in
(You want a piece of me)
I’m Mrs. she’s too big now she’s too thin

You want a piece of me
Piece of me, me, me...
You want a piece of me

Lagu ini tuh bener2 nyeritaiin soal khidupan Britney dri wktu dia terkenal.. Skitar uur 17 tahun, dia udah diikutin paparzi.. :P Smpe2 cerita pribadi Britney harus diumbar smua! Back Off Paparazi!!!
I love you, Britney :]
Minggu, 20 September 2009 @ 07.57

I thought because it's lebaran,, everything bakal jadi happy or kind if that.. But NO! = ="


Rocky Juarez VS Chris jone
Sabtu, 19 September 2009 @ 20.37

<-- pertandingan Rocky sama Chris yang dulu.. Mereka dlu smpet tanding. Jadi skrng itu prtndingan ulang. (PS: foto prtandingan yg skrng akan gw upload nanti. Krn baru 10 mnit yg lalu prtandingannya selesai.. Blm dpet :p)

Gw baru bangun jam 10.00am.. Gw kira udah ketinggalan nonton boxing, secara setau gw mulainya jam 8.00am :/. Pas gw lngsng lari ke ruang tamu, bokap udah nonton boxing.. Eh, masih ada :] baru ronde ke 3 lagi. Jadi tuh pertandingan Rocky Juarez VS Chris Jone. Rocky Juarez tuh rong Meksiko.. Dia dlu udah pernah lawan Chris Jone tapi hasilnya seri or draw. Padahal pelatihnya si Rocky ini dlu juara dunia n bertahan juga loh! ;]

Jadi gw liat2 di pertandingan ini, Chris Jone sih menang angka. Pukulannya banyak yang masuk or tepat. Tapi pas udah di ronde 6an, Chris Jone udah keliatan lemes bangt. Udah goyang badannya. Nah, itu yang bikin gw panik sndiri... :P Udah di rumah, gw orng yg pling histeris sendiri. Abisnya mukanya Chris udah bonyok gitu (si Rocky jga sih.. tpi kan gw berpihak ma Chris).

Apalgi pertandingannya di CALIFORNIA, alias AMrik.. Nah, secara Mexico masih Amrik gtu walau latin, n dket kan tempatnya.. Jadi sponsornya Rocky jelas lbih banyak. Tapi gw salut ma mentalnya CJ ;] CJnya nyante, gw sendiri yg di rumah teriak2.. Gw pngen gw ikut kesitu, supaya bisa jadi sporternya.. Pda tau sendiri kan suara gw toa abis :]] hahaha..

Pokoknya pas udah babak terakhir, gw paling panik.. Knp? Karena disitu si CJ kecuri beberapa poin, karena dia udah goyang dan hampir jatuh. Pas hmpir jatuh itu gw teriak2,, dan pas dia mau jatuh sponsornya sI Rocky yg udah pda teriak2 "Rocky..Rocky".. aduh! gw JEGER BNGT DEH! T.T tapi mentalnya CJ gk bsa diremehkan.. Dia tetep bisa bertahan mpe pertandingan selesai.

Nah abis pertandingan selesai, mereka mulai deh diobatin satu2. Si Rocky ini kyknya fisiknya kuat GILA! masa dia masih bsa jalan2 smbil minum gtu, secara si CJ masih di kompres.. Gw kira Rocky yg menang.. abis fit bngt sih :P

Eh tiba2, pas keputusan jurinya mau dibacaiin, mereka smpet blng "The winner STILL...." kan still jadi CJ lah :]] secara dia juara bertahan! Gw lngsng lonct and teriak gtu smpe2 dimarahin serumah.. Aduh! rasa nasionalisme gw tinggi jga yah :]] hahahah.. Trus si CJ yg lngsng bkin tanda salib, n diangkat ma timnya.. Aduh, ikut seneng gw..

Reunian SD and FD 4
@ 05.37

Hari ini ada reunian SD. Banyak yang males so pada bnyk yang gak mau dateng. Pertama juga gw jadi males, tpi mikir2 juga. Sekalian pngen nonton..

Jadi hari ini gw bangun jam 12.30 gara2 nge chat mpe jam 2 pagi sama Nikki, Maddy, and Rinda. Hahaha, dan kita semua tuh yang bener2 ngomongin hal gak penting.. Hahaha, dan akhirnya perang print screen deh! :]]

Terus, gw abis bangun tidur malah langsung online lagi smpe JA nlp gw jam 2an, blng dia udah mau berangkat! JEGER BANGET GAK SIH GW! T.T nah, kata JA and Helga, mereka mau nungguin gw deh.. Benar2 orng yg baik ;] Akhirnya gw mandi kayak apaan tuh, cpet banget.. Trus sama bonyok masih disuruh makan dlu! LAMA! Abis makan, gw ngemis2 dlu ke bonyok spya dpet duit banyak :]] hahaah. Langsung deh cabut ke SuperIndo..

Smpe di Super In, gw pusing nyariin mereka berdua dmn.. Ternyata mereka udah di mobil, yaudah kita lgnsung berangkat. Kita pertamanya rada bingung nyari Teras Kota karena blm pernah kesana, tapi krn lucky jadi ketemu juga deh :]

Smpe2 disana, kita disambut sama Dika di depan SOLARIA,, kita nongkrong disitu dulu. Ternyata udah banyak jga yg dateng.. Seru deh! Gw duduk disebelah Bagus and Alvin! Bagus udah jadian lagi xD PJ!PJ!PJ!PJ! hahahah..
Terus kita pada mesen makanan n minuman. Gw punya rencana untuk jedotin kpalanya si Dika, supaya dia yg bayarin kita :]] hahahah! Joke ;] Sambil nungguin makanan, gw coba nge tes si Bagus soal lagu2 Barat! DAN bner2 dia jago! Dia tau smua lagu2nya! Cayo!
Abis makanan nyampe, kita pada makan. Gw makannya telat sendiri karena mesennya rada terakhiran.. Abis rencana pertama gk mau makan.. Trus ke kamar mandi dlu deh.. Biasa, ngaca :]] hahah..

Trus si Vania and Jesslyn ke Blitz dluan, kita pda nitip tiket gtu.. Hampir smuanya mau nonton FD 4 kecuali Dika, Cornel dan Helga. Mereka kgk mau :P Jadi mereka nonton apa gtu, lupa gw! *pikun mode on*

Trus gw dpet kursi C14.. Persis ditengah layar! Nah, kan sbelum filmnya mulai, ada iklan2 film gtu kan! SUMPAH! iklannya aja udah pada teriak! Lupa gw nama judulnya pokoknya SEREM abis! Udah teriak2 aja :P

Trus mulai deh FD 4.. Diawali dengan orang2 yg lgi nonton balapan.. Dari pertama udah ketahuan siapa yg pemeran utamanya! Gila! Cakep uyyyy!! XD itu adegan smua serem abis.. Bukan serem, tapi sadis! Pokokny smpe rada meren gtu gw! Teriak2 deh :]]
(informasi lebih lanjut tentng filmnya di bawh)

Abis film selesai, kita bingun mau ngpain. Berhubung malam takbiran, kita ngeri macet jadi rencana pngen langsung pulang.. Eh! GAK BOLEH PULANG SEBELUM FOTO2! hahaha.. Kita foto rame2 dan itu kocak abis,, Cwo2nya pada keliatan, karena cwe2nya pada maruk tempat! Biasalah, cwe membutuhkan tempat yg lebih untk foto ;]] hhahaha .. trus kita pulang deh! Gw ngikut mobilnya JA, sma si Anya and Sari.. Disitu, kita ngobrol soal lagu2 lagi..

It's all about FINAL DESTINATION 4 xD
<------ He's Bobby Campo as Nick >.<
'effin hot xD

While watching a race at McKinley Speedway for a study break, college student Nick O'Bannon (Bobby Campo) has a premonition of a car crash which sends debris into the audience, crushing some spectators and resulting in the stadium partially collapsing, killing almost everyone present in the 180 section. In a panic Nick convinces his girlfriend Lori Milligan (Shantel VanSanten), and friends Hunt Wynorski (Nick Zano) and Janet Cunnigham (Haley Webb) to leave, with the quartet being followed by a handful of others who become angry with Nick after he pushes past them to escape. A security guard named George Lanter (Mykelti Williamson) intervenes when everyone begins to argue outside, just as the catastrophe Nick had foreseen occurs. After a memorial service at McKinley Speedway, two of the spectators who followed Nick and his friends out of the stadium - Carter Daniels (Justin Welborn) and Samantha Lane (Krista Allen) - died violently in freak accidents. Before their deaths, Nick had seen omens of clues how they would die.

Hearing about Carter and Samantha's deaths on the news, Nick and Lori begin doing research, and learn about the disasters that occurred in the previous three films (the explosion of Flight 180, highway pile-up of Route 23, and roller coaster derailment in McKinley, Pennsylvania) and discover that the survivors (who were saved by premonitions) began dying in a series of improbable accidents shortly afterwards. While Hunt and Janet refuse to believe them, Nick and Lori manage to convince George that Death is after them and the trio begin trying to warn other survivors, though fail to save any except for Janet, who nearly drowns getting her car washed. The next survivors to die are Andy Kewzer (Andrew Fiscella), Hunt and Jonathan Grove (Jackson Walker).

George is abruptly killed just before Nick has a second premonition showing him that Lori and Janet will die while watching a film in a shopping mall cinema after an explosion in a room above the theatre. Nick rushes to reach them, while Lori begins spotting omens warning her that the danger is not over. Once Nick arrives, he and Lori attempt to convince Janet to leave, but are unsuccessful in their efforts. Janet is killed in the explosion and Lori also meets her demise by being crushed in an escalator. Nick then realizes that the event hasn't happened yet, and is able to save his friends by extinguishing the fire that would have caused the initial explosion.

Weeks later, the trio, thinking they have conquered Death's plan, celebrate survival at a cafe. Nick notices a loose leg on a scaffold outside the cafe, and he tells a construction worker to fix it up. Once inside he drifts off into thought after seeing omens around him, and realizes that his premonitions and signs, along with all the disasters and deaths that had occurred since the speedway incident, are red herrings from Death used to manipulate them into where and when it would really come for them. Just as Nick realizes this, the scaffold falls, and in order to avoid it, a truck swerves, crashes through the cafe window, and kills the group, leaving all connected to the McKinley Speedway disaster dead.

Yeeeyyy! :]
Kamis, 17 September 2009 @ 23.40

Senangnya.. Akhirnya libur juga xD
Walaupun cuman seminggu, tapi lumayanlah untuk tidur. Hehehe..
Hmm, ada cerita apa yah? Oh iya!
Hari ini (Jumat), sekolah cuman sampe jam 11.. Mantap! Tapi rada sebel juga sih..
Tadi itu lagi pelajaran komputer, asiik gillla! Penasaran xD.. Kita lagi belajar qbasic.. Seru! Seru!
Tapi karena pelajaran dikurangin 10 menit, jadi setiap 1 pelajaran cuman 30 menit! it's so WOW!
Trus kita pindah ke matematika.. Matematika tadi juga seru.. Kayaknya emang, Bu Catharina lagi sengaja buat pelajarannya jadi lebih santai dlu.. Pokoknya, tumben2nya gw bisa enjoy di mat..
Nah! Ini dia! Abis MAtematika, geografi! Disini itu gw parah banget deh! MID semester gw remed??
Baru pertama kali gw Geo remed.. Gw tau sih klo gw bego klo di IPS, tapi serius.. Geo kgk prnah T.T
Oh iya! Terus besok, mau reunian SD.. ahh xD kangennya. Di Teras Kota.. Tapi rada males juga sih, gak tau kenapa.. Tapi diusahaiin ikut deh :/ Bingung juga mau naik apa. Katanya pada mau bareng2 naik taxi, yah bsok aja deh liatnya.. Heheheh..
Oh iya! Kok tiba2 bisa suka lagi sama Linkin Park and Blink 182?? Padahal udah sempet lupa, pas coba denger lagi, JADI SUKA LAGI.. xD Tau lah, klo Jessica udah addicted ma satu band or singer, pasti jadi nyanyi2 terus.. Hahahaha, gpp lah.. Udah bawaan dari lahir kok..
My room is totally HORRIBLE.. berantakan banget.. :P mbak(enakan gni nulisnya) gw pulang kampung..Wah, jadi nyadar betapa gw butuh dia :]].. Terus tadi Nikki baru nelpon, dia hari Minggu mau ke Bandung, jadi gak bisa nonton lagi.. GAGAL lagi T.T
Dari kemaren malem gw nyariin layout blog, hampir 3 jam kgk dapet2.. Bukan kenapa2 sih, bingung aja kebanyakan.. Tapi dapetnya baru pas udah jam 11.30pm. Abis di edit dkit langsung off deh karena nyokap udah siap untuk masuk kamar gw! Hahahaha..
Trus hari ini, baru deh di edit2 lagi.. Beda dari biasanya, layout gw yg ini simple.. Lagi seneng yg simple2 ;] Trus trus, akhirnya bisa nambahin sparkle, trus icon blog gw bisa gw ubah2 juga! *norak mode on* Hahahahah!
Boys Like Girls Love Drunk Lyrics
Rabu, 16 September 2009 @ 03.35

The top down in the summer sun
The day we met was like a hit an run
An I still taste it on my tongue
The sky was burning up like fireworks
You made me want you oh so bad it hurt
But girl, in case you haven’t heard

I used to be love drunk
But now I’m hungover
I’ll love you forever
Forever is over
We used to kiss all night
Now it’s just a bar fight
So don’t call me crying
Say hello to goodbye

Cause Just one thing would make me say
I used to be love drunk
But now I’m hungover
Ill love you forever
But now it’s over

Hot sweat and blurry eyes
We’re spinning on a roller coaster ride
The world stuck in black and white
You drove me crazy every time we touched
But now I’m so broken that I can’t get up
Oh girl, you make me such a lush

I used to be love drunk
But now I’m hungover
I’ll love you forever
Forever is over
We used to kiss all night
Now its just a bar fight
So don’t call me crying
Say hello to goodbye

Cause Just one thing would make me say
I used to be love drunk
But now I’m hungover
Ill love you forever
But now it’s over

All the time I wasted on you
All the bullshit you put me through
Checking into rehab is everything that we had
Didn’t mean a thing to you

I used to be love drunk
But now I’m hungover
Ill love you forever
But now it’s over

I used to be love drunk
But now I’m hungover
I’ll love you forever
Forever is over
We used to kiss all night
Now it’s just a bar fight
So don’t call me crying
Say hello to goodbye

Cause Just one thing would make me say
I used to be love drunk
But now I’m hungover
Ill love you forever
But now it’s over

Now it’s over
I still taste it on my tongue
Guys! I am back with PC! hahahha
Sabtu, 12 September 2009 @ 02.35

Okay, as you know.. I had an exams but i already finished it ;) So, i can use my PC! *claps hand*

Monday Sep 7 :
1.Biology --> kinda hard, but ya know :P
2.Economy --> God! Die! T.T

Tuesday Sep 8 :
1.Physics --> No comment! T.T
2.Geography --> never good in IPS

Wednesday Sep 9 :
1.Indonesian Language --> Whoa! Easy! ;)
2.Accounting --> not learning :P

Thursday Sep 10 :
1.Mathematics --> :(((((((((((((((((((((((
2.Computer (teory) --> kinda easy, kinda hard

Friday Sep 11 :
1.English language --> easy ;)
2.Religion --> amen! God bless me! hahahha

Saturday Sep 12 (last day! hoooo!) :
1.PKN --> what kind of exam is that? =="

So, i think it's going to be the MOST HORRIBLE score that i ever have :P
J is the rock star xD
Jumat, 04 September 2009 @ 07.04

I am changing it.. Heheheh.. From "J is in the house yo" to "J is the rockstar".. Hmm.. I don't know why i changed it.. hehehe..

Well, okay.. Friday.. Nothing special,today..
I had a Mathematic's exams (OMG! OMG! OMG! I am died) , Computer's exams (not really hard), and Geography.. I am 'effin mad in there.. Ya know, we talked about Malaysia.. And i was like "WTF!".. well, they're totally insane! Come on! Pendet is ours!!! THIEF! THIEF! THIEF!
Nah! Forget about Malaysia! I am rolling my eyes now :P

Okay! Let's continue!
Mrs Janu (geo's teacher) wanted us to Presentation about Malaysia and Asia Tenggara. When i tried to practice (no actually.. i am just gossiping! LOL) , i am talking with Abi and Steven about Indie Bands. We talked about MCR (was a IB), Green Day (was a IB), a7x (was a IB), and finally,,,,, jajajajajajaja!! SAOSIN!!!! hohohohohohoho!! I can't describe it! They're totally awesome! I was listening to them, and i can't stop!

After arrived at home, i am searching a new layout for my blog but i couldn't find it.. Nah, no found but decided.. Too many layouts in there :P
Check Yes Juliet - We The Kings
Rabu, 02 September 2009 @ 03.16

Check yes juliet
are you with me
rain is falling down on the sidewalk
i won't go until you come outside
check yes juliet
kill the limbo
i'll keep tossing rocks at your window
cause there's no turning back for us tonight

lace up your shoes
A O A O ah
here's how we do

run baby run
don't ever look back
they'll tear us apart
if you give them the chance
don't sell your heart
don't say we're not meant to be
run baby run
forever will be
you and me

check yes juliet
i'll be waiting
wishing, wanting
yours for the taking
just sneak out
and don't tell a soul goodbye
check yes juliet
here's the countdown
3...2...1... now fall in my arms
now they can change the locks
don't let them change your mind

lace up your shoes
A O A O ah
here's how we do

run baby run
don't ever look back
they'll tear us apart
if you give them the chance
don't sell your heart
don't say we're not meant to be
run baby run
forever will be
you and me

we're flying through the night
flying through the night
way up high,
the view from here is getting better with
you by myside

run baby run
don't ever look back
they'll tear us apart
if you give them the chance
don't sell your heart
don't say we're not meant to be
run baby run
forever will be
you and me